Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Some Reminders for our ML Patrons

We, the Music Library Staff, are happy to help you! We'd like to ask you to help us by taking a look at the following reminders.

  • Please do not re-shelve library materials. Once you've taken something off the shelf, place it on the cart near the Reference Table or bring it to the Desk. We keep track of the number of Library items used each day. Also, when you refrain from re-shelving it helps to keep items from getting lost.

  • Please don't write, put tape on or in any way manipulate Library materials, this includes scores.

  • If a Library item in your possession is or becomes damaged, please do not attempt to repair it. Bring the item back to us and we will send it to the Preservation staff at Jackson Library for repair.

  • Remember that food is not allowed in the Music Library. Beverages in secure containers are okay. (That means that your container needs a lid. Canned drinks are a big no-no.)

  • Please silence your cell phone while in the Music Library and step outside the Library to take calls.

  • We are diligently working on the noise levels in the Music Library so please speak quietly. We greatly appreciate your cooperation with this as we really don't enjoy shushing people. If you catch ML Staff being loud, please shush us!

  • The ML is not responsible for items that you leave unattended. Please take your personal items with you when you leave. If you step out for a moment ask a friend to keep an eye on your stuff.

  • Feel free to ask us questions, we promise not to bite. :)
Thanks so much for helping to make our Music Library a great place to study.