Thursday, September 10, 2009

Recycling in the Music Library and the Music Building

We've noticed that there has been some confusion about the recycling containers and what goes into each of them.  Here is a link to the OWRR (Office of Waste Reduction and Recycling) web site about recycling:

Please remember that because we get money (cold, hard cash!!) for office paper that putting soft drink containers into the office paper bins won't work...and please try to remember to *rinse* those containers before you put them into the commingle bins.

Noah and I worked with Ben Kunka from the OWRR last summer to increase the number of commingle bins - so, please use them (and encourage your friends as well)

Also, to better collect what we call "e-waste" there is a special container for collection of these special wastes inside the music library. 

This special new bin collects only the following:
  • alkaline batteries (AA, D, AAA, C)
  • rechargeable batteries (NiCd, Li-ion, Pb)
  • broken electronics
  • used toner and inkjet cartridges
  • CDs
  • DVDs
  • Diskettes
  • Tapes
  • Cell Phones
 Help spread the word that it is here and while you're at it, TURN THOSE LIGHTS OFF when you leave the bathrooms (as long as you're the last one out - tee hee!).


Sarah for Sustainability (and music libraries)

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Some Reminders for our ML Patrons

We, the Music Library Staff, are happy to help you! We'd like to ask you to help us by taking a look at the following reminders.

  • Please do not re-shelve library materials. Once you've taken something off the shelf, place it on the cart near the Reference Table or bring it to the Desk. We keep track of the number of Library items used each day. Also, when you refrain from re-shelving it helps to keep items from getting lost.

  • Please don't write, put tape on or in any way manipulate Library materials, this includes scores.

  • If a Library item in your possession is or becomes damaged, please do not attempt to repair it. Bring the item back to us and we will send it to the Preservation staff at Jackson Library for repair.

  • Remember that food is not allowed in the Music Library. Beverages in secure containers are okay. (That means that your container needs a lid. Canned drinks are a big no-no.)

  • Please silence your cell phone while in the Music Library and step outside the Library to take calls.

  • We are diligently working on the noise levels in the Music Library so please speak quietly. We greatly appreciate your cooperation with this as we really don't enjoy shushing people. If you catch ML Staff being loud, please shush us!

  • The ML is not responsible for items that you leave unattended. Please take your personal items with you when you leave. If you step out for a moment ask a friend to keep an eye on your stuff.

  • Feel free to ask us questions, we promise not to bite. :)
Thanks so much for helping to make our Music Library a great place to study.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Happy New Year!

Welcome to the UNCG Music Library’s very first blog post and happy New Academic Year!

The ML Blog has been in the works for a while and Ted, MK and I are excited to get it off the ground. Let me introduce us briefly (we’ll have more in depth intros later): I’m Sarah Dorsey, Head of the Music Library, and I work with the wonderful Ted Hunter and MK Amos who, along with our wonderful student workers, keep this place humming.

We are starting this blog so we can inform our peeps (that’s you) about what is going on in the Music Library. We’ll keep you posted on such news items as new materials, projects, policies and databases and do our best to inform you about things that are changing (“constant change is here to stay!” - one of my favorite sayings...).

All three of us took classes in a series of Web 2.0 training sessions last semester (thanks to our excellent colleagues over in the big house - AKA Jackson Library) and it became clear that a Music Library blog would help us do our jobs better – because an informed patron (that’s you) is an empowered and happy one. And it also might be fun! We will take turns posting and hope that y’all will ask clarifying questions if you feel the need. And let us know if there is a topic you’d like us to address.

In fact, we do have a new jazz database - - that, in these tough budgetary times, gives me great glee to introduce. Streaming music databases make me happy anyway (they use no physical shelf space, you can't lose or damage the CDs and they are available all the time!), but this one is cool because we did not have to pay any *more* money to get it. Alexander Street Press added it to our package of Music Online:

So, if you are affiliated with UNCG, you can listen from anywhere with your computer 24/7! How cool! Like I said, it makes me happy! I hope it makes you happy. More about our other streaming audio databases in a later post (I just couldn’t resist announcing this new one!).

This August is the 10th anniversary of our move from the old building on Tate St. (the one with the composer names on it) to this lovely facility. We feel pretty lucky to be here. Stay tuned for more!


Sarah for the ML Gang.